Ark Reblogged by Happynuke @arknuke - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2025)



Jun 3, 2022

I’d love to play ARK right now but each year summer is getting earlier and earlier, it’s June and already feels like mid-summer. My PC can’t tolerate ARK and summer heat very well. It will have to wait :(


Feb 20, 2022

Two Rexes at the Carno Island Hotel being used to measure the sizes of rooms to make sure they can fit under the doorframes.

#ark survival evolved


Feb 15, 2022

I turned a corner to go and retrieve my Sabertooth who I’d left on the ice, and had a terrible feeling of dread the moment I saw this.

I inched closer and it ran at me at full speed, tearing my Sabertooth apart.


Feb 15, 2022

The second wolf from the pair I caught earlier, and now a pink Rock Drake. With amazing flamingo feathers.


May 8, 2021

My Leeds hunting has once again led to discovering a mass of overspawned sharks at the bottom of the sea, this time wrapped around the outside of carno island all the way to the glacier. Even worse than last time. Killing all of these creatures filled the screen with text that flashed up multiple times, to fit them all in.

#ark survival evolved


May 6, 2021

This is what my GPU does when Ark is at its laggiest; stutters that tick every few seconds and constant dropping of polygon rendering, where Ark creature models appear blocky.

I’ve been watching the stats while playing other“resource hungry” games and Ark is the only one that causes this.

#ark survival evolved


May 6, 2021

This is my all-time favourite retextured creature; Rainbow Wyvern from the Crazy’s Crazy Dino’s mod.

It’s a wyvern with RGB lighting.

#ark survival evolved


May 6, 2021

Current tamed dino count is at 641. Still way off the correct total; not counting my mass of Compys, wandering creatures that I lost in the wild, volcano exhiles (dinos that I didn’t like but tamed anyway and moved to top of the volcano) and my two heavy transport Quetzals.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 30, 2021

I had a big boss fight planned, and built a huge stadium over two days and brought my strongest fighters over. I was guaranteed to lose some of them, so I took one last screenshot before they were slaughtered by the Primal Fear boss Pikkon.

When the fight came, they took it down in less than one minute. I didn’t even get a chance to run out of there. One Reaper, a Rex and an Indominus lost a lot of health but none of them came close to dying.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 29, 2021

My save data is struggling to save properly (it corrupts a lot) even on a brand new hard drive, I think it’s due to my virtual memory being maxxed out and my system drive is on the edge of being filled to capacity. Probably should have replaced that one first, lol.

Just two more months and I might be able to build a fresh PC and play this game properly.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 29, 2021

Twins! They actually are 100% identical, just from different points in time.

I’ve had many issues with my save data so I did another rollback today and realized I’d lost a very nice bright red Griffon. I uploaded it from that save to an older one, and then remembered that it still existed in the wild, just untamed again.. so I went and got that one too.

One is named Chrono, the other is Cosmo.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 22, 2021

Cleanup crew took nearly an hour sweeping the ocean for relentlessly spawning sharks, dolphins and mosas. Lag has dropped considerably.

This mass of sea creatures has probably been sitting on the map for quite some time, just constantly building up until the moment I decided to go down there. My view distance is pretty short so I wouldn’t have noticed them if it wasn’t for me hunting Leeds on my Demon Saber.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 22, 2021

I need an immediate solution to this shark problem. They are getting dangerously close to my city coastline.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 22, 2021

My game brings me new problems today. I’ve noticed for a while that lag seems to spike right in this spot. I went down to the sea floor to discover the reason why.

Warning- Scary Lag spikes and scary shark attacks feature heavily. I did not add the music- that starts playing when these sharks appear on screen.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 21, 2021

The colossal rainbow of wolves I managed to collect today. There’s a serious lack of purple and orange though.

#ark survival evolved


Apr 20, 2021

I got most of them. A dark blue wolf died to an Argentavis and two red wolves died from arrow shots. Two of them are smaller wolves from a mod I’m using.

My favourite is the Yellow/Black as it looks like hazard tape.

#ark survival evolved
Ark Reblogged by Happynuke @arknuke - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2025)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.