Anna Hui Projects (2025)

1. Ann Hui Tribute - Asian Movie Pulse

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  • As we have reviewed 31 of the 34 works of Ann Hui, we thought it was about time to publish a list about our collective work The Ann Hui Project List (31/34 Done, Ongoing)

2. Celebrating Ann Hui - The Garden Cinema

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3. A life like hers: A Conversation with Ann Hui - The Adroit Journal

4. Retrospective of 14th BJIFF Workshop & Masterclass (Part 1) | Ann Hui on ...

  • Jul 3, 2024 · At the Workshop & Masterclass, director Ann Hui shared with the audience her filmmaking experience, which covers “half a history of Hong Kong ...

  • Since its inception in 2020, the BJIFF Workshop & Masterclass is committed to building a platform for exchanges and interaction among world renowned filmmakers, film fans and filmmaking professionals. Prestigious directors, producers, screenwriters, experts and scholars at home and abroad are invited to talk about their stories behind the scenes as well as experience and wisdom in filmmaking, and discuss hot topics and way forward of the film industry to promote and carry forward the international cinematic culture.

5. Ann Hui—telling the stories of Hong Kong's social issues through cinema

6. Director Anna Hui's perspective on the MOST Policy Fellows

  • Mar 21, 2020 · Hui, the director of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations participated in the Expo State Debrief: Bringing Scientific Evidence to Meet ...

  • UPDATE: We have opened applications for the fellowship position based at the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations - Apply Today! JEFFERSON CITY (March 21, 2020) - The Missouri Science and Technology (MOST) Policy Fellow Initiative appealed to them, said Anna Hui. Hui, the director of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations participated in the Expo State Debrief: Bringing Scientific Evidence to Meet Local Policy Challenges at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in February. Director Hui also serves as a MOST advisory board member. She said during the debriefing that MOST is placing fellows in the legislative branch with committees but in the executive branch they are looking at key issues facing the government statewide. The advisory board will work to find ways to “integrate someone with a Ph.D. and an expertise background to come in and help us to better organize and understand what answers we already have in front of us,” she said. Six fellows will start in the fall semester, according to Director Hui. MOST Policy Fellows will use foundation funding to help with legislative placements; however, to expand the number of  executive branch fellows “we are looking at the state government’s current fiscal year's ability to take someone along with the current budget as well,” she said.   See the full interview at

7. Na Na Anna HUI - CityU Scholars | A Research Hub of Excellence

  • Research interests include creativity and innovation; motivation and self-regulation, gifted and creativity education, lifespan development in creativity. She ...

  • Hui, A. N. N. (2013, June).Creativity & leisure: An activity and engagement perspective. In A. N.N. Hui (Chair), Creativity & leisure in Asian societies: An interdisciplinary and lifespan approach. Symposium conducted at the 20th IAGG World Congress for Gerontology & Geriatrics, Soeul, Korea.

8. Anna's Sourdough - HUI DESIGNS

  • HUI DESIGNS · Home · F&B · RESIDENTIAL · HOTELS · OTHER PROJECTS · Publications · Contact. 2022. Hui Designs - Anna-6.jpg. Hui Designs - Anna-8.jpg. Hui Designs ...

  • 2022

9. The Ann Hui Project (31/34) Archives - Asian Movie Pulse

  • An effort to review all of Ann Hui's films and to analyze her contribution to Hong Kong cinema (will also include interviews, and a retrospective article)

  • An effort to review all of Ann Hui’s films and to analyze her contribution to Hong Kong cinema (will also include interviews, and a retrospective article)

Anna Hui Projects (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.